Firstly, I want to insert characters into a text file. I want to print the characters (DAD1) into the middle of the text file (HERE with DA D1) and the text file looks like this =>
AB CD EF 12 43 56
A3 B2 34 56 .....
FA 21 FA 21 ....
I tried to use fprintf but it prints at the end of the file. Here is my coding part =>
fp = fopen("testing.txt", "r+");
if (fp)
while (c != EOF)
c = getc(fp);
if (c == '@')
cout << c ;
while (c != '\n')
c = getc(fp);
cout << c ;
addr ++ ;
if (addr == 1)
else if (addr == 2)
char higha = hia.to_ullong() + ((hia.to_ullong() >= 10) ? 55 : 48);
char highb = hib.to_ullong() + ((hia.to_ullong() >= 10) ? 55 : 48);
char lowa = loa.to_ullong() + ((loa.to_ullong() >= 10) ? 55 : 48);
char lowb = lob.to_ullong() + ((lob.to_ullong() >= 10) ? 55 : 48);
fprintf(fp, "%c", higha);
fprintf(fp, "%c", highb);
fprintf(fp, " ");
fprintf(fp, "%c", lowa);
fprintf(fp, "%c", lowb);
I try to use SEEK_CUR but I don't understand how it works. Or have another way to do it???