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Closed 3 years ago.
Here is my page http://equipe94.com/2009e.html
there is some tweek that append to the page (scroller and arrows)and some positionning
Do you have a way, to completely hide everything (just keep the background).. do the things , and show up the finished page ?
Why not just set the css display
property to none
, and change it with JS when the document has loaded? If you're using jQuery on your page, it could look like this:
#mydiv { display: none; }
$(document).ready(function() {
To supplement Calvin's answer, images can be preloaded by adding in this function:
$.preloadImages = function()
for(var i = 0; i<arguments.length; i++)
$("<img>").attr("src", arguments[i]);
Then just telling it which images you want to be loaded:
$.preloadImages("image1.gif", "/path/to/blah.png", "some/other.jpg");
Put that code before the stuff you are loading in, as a courtesy.
This type of question has been asked before. What you're talking about really isn't "preloading"--it's just obstructing the user's view of the page until the page is fully loaded. It doesn't make the page load any faster.
Just put the entire page inside of a container, and use CSS to set that container's display mode to none
. Then simply change the container's display mode to anything other than none
once the document is ready or the last image has been loaded:
var imgTotal = 10; // total number of images on your page
var imgCount = 0;
if (imgCount == imgTotal)
However, considering that your page loads in less than a second on my browser, I don't really see any point in this.
it not exactly images, but page element that shift the problem...
i have css the body to hidden
and the last argument of my jquery is css:visible
work great.. 2 second loading, and everybody show up !
I would use a DOM ready to set it's display to none, then show it on $(window).load
Otherwise, if they don't have JS enabled, they'll never see a thing!
I've noticed your site is still viewable too without JS, good job!