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<title>Jquery Grid</title>
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.ui-jqgrid .ui-jqgrid-bdiv {
overflow: inherit !important;
position: absolute;
border: 1px solid black;
background-color: black;
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"colModel": [
"name": "Overlay",
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"width": 60,
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"label": "FirstName",
"width": 100,
"align": "left",
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"sortable": false
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"label": "LastName",
"width": 100,
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"sortable": false
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"mypage": {
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"value":"Click Me!",
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"value":"Click Me!",
"label": "Overlay"
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"label": "LastName"
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"label": "Overlay"
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"value":"Click Me!",
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"value":"Click Me!",
"label": "Overlay"
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"value":"Click Me!",
"label": "Overlay"
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"label": "FirstName"
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"value":"Click Me!",
"label": "Overlay"
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"value":"Click Me!",
"label": "Overlay"
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"label": "FirstName"
"label": "LastName"
"value":"Click Me!",
"label": "Overlay"
"label": "ID"
"label": "FirstName"
"label": "LastName"
"value":"Click Me!",
"label": "Overlay"
"label": "ID"
"label": "FirstName"
"label": "LastName"
"value":"Click Me!",
"label": "Overlay"
"label": "ID"
"label": "FirstName"
"label": "LastName"
"value":"Click Me!",
"label": "Overlay"
"label": "ID"
"label": "FirstName"
"label": "LastName"
"value":"Click Me!",
"label": "Overlay"
"label": "ID"
"label": "FirstName"
"label": "LastName"
"value":"Click Me!",
"label": "Overlay"
"label": "ID"
"label": "FirstName"
"label": "LastName"
"value":"Click Me!",
"label": "Overlay"
"label": "ID"
"label": "FirstName"
"label": "LastName"
"value":"Click Me!",
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JQGrid Definition
$(document).ready(function () {
type: "GET",
url: "myjqgrid.json",
data: "",
dataType: "json",
success: function(response){
var columnData = response.mypage.outerwrapper,
columnNames = response.colNames,
columnModel = response.colModel;
datatype: 'jsonstring',
datastr: columnData,
colNames: columnNames,
colModel: columnModel,
jsonReader: {
root: "innerwrapper.rows",
repeatitems: false
gridview: true,
pager: "#Pager",
rowNum: 21,
rowList: [21],
viewrecords: true,
recordpos: 'left',
multiboxonly: true,
multiselect: true,
sortname: 'ID',
sortorder: "desc",
sorttype: "text",
sortable: true,
caption: "<h2>MY JQGRID</h2>",
width: "1406",
height: "100%",
scrolloffset: 0,
loadonce: true,
cache: true,
loadComplete: function(){
$("td[title = 'Click Me!']").live("click", function(){
var RowID = $(this).closest("tr").attr("id");
if ($(this).siblings("div").length == 0) {
$(this).closest("td").append("<div class='overlay' id='"+RowID+"'>This is an overlay.</div>");
$(this).siblings("div#" + RowID).css("display", "block");
$("#myjqgrid").jqGrid('navGrid','#Pager', {add:false, edit:false, del:false, position: 'right'});
the pagination works fine when I resize the grid if I don't change the CSS
if I change the CSS FROM
.ui-jqgrid .ui-jqgrid-bdiv {overflow: auto;}
TO.ui-jqgrid .ui-jqgrid-bdiv {overflow: inherit !important;}
, the pagination bar flows between the recordsthe reason I am changing the CSS is because I have an overlay that is displayed when I click on "Click Me!" link in the second column of every row. Changing the CSS displays the overlay correctly for the last record on the page. If I don't change the CSS, the overlay for the last record on the page is hidden.
I do not change the CSS
- pagination works fine when I resize the grid
- the overlay for the last record on the page is hidden
I change the CSS
- pagination bar is displayed between the records when I resize the grid
- the overlay for the last records on the page is displayed correctly
I tried using CSS positioning and z-index for the overlay but it didn't work.