I am building a widget on Shiny, and I would like to have the option "all" to select all of the data available, and don't perform a filtering.
Basically, I would like to have the following code (using dplyr):
filt<-sample(c("All", unique(mtcars$carb)),1)
data1<- mtcars %>%
ifelse (filt=="All", select(), filter(carb==filt))
It will filter mtcars based on the value of filt.
If filt=="All" then it does not filter and return simply mtcars.
Any elegant solution?
Something like this should work (with proper modifications to use the input value in this reactive for the filt
reactiveObject <- reactive({
filt <- sample(c("All", unique(mtcars$carb)),1)
if (filt == 'All') {
data1 <- mtcars
} else {
data1 <- filter(mtcars, carb == filt)
Here is my try. If folt="All"
then there is no filter, otherwhise just the Cars with carb==filt
is returned.
filt <-sample(c("All", unique(mtcars$carb)),1)
data1<- mtcars
} else {
data1<- filter(mtcars, mtcars$carb==filt)
should do the trick