I have a XSD file, from which I want to generate C# and Java classes as well.
I first set the namespace in the XSD according to my C# namespace where my classes resides. The generation (with the Microsoft tools) works fine and also the serialisation works great and I can validat them against the XSD - perfect.
Now I want to create java classes with JAXB. The problem is that the classes which are going to be created have a different package structure then the one in C#. So when I set the XSD namespace to the package structure of java, it works fine. I can serialize and validate the XML.
Now my question(s): Is there a way to solve this? (Have one XSD for both generation tools) Do I lack a understanding of what the namespace actually is needed for?
Thank you
Edit: Since it seems to be that there is a missunderstanding, I added an example
XSD: targetNamespace = "http://foo.bar/mySubNs/model"
- C# Modelnamespace: com.foo.mySubNs.model (which fits the XSD namespace) all generated classes will have the same namespace provided though the MS codegen
- Java Modelnamespace : com.foo.myOtherSubNs.model (which differs from the XSD namespace) the generated classes will have the "C# namespace". As a result the classes will not compile.
If I would change the namespace during the code generation for java, I can compile the classes. So far so good. But I won't be able to validate the generated XML by that java classes against the XSD, since the namespace differs.
To marshall my objects in Java, I use JAXB like this:
ValidationEventCollector validationCollector = new ValidationEventCollector();
SchemaFactory schemaFactory = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI);
Schema schema = schemaFactory.newSchema(new File ("my/schema/location"));
// JAXB_CONTEXT is just an instance of "JAXBContext"
Marshaller marshaller = JAXB_CONTEXT.createMarshaller();
marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_ENCODING, "UTF-8");
marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, Boolean.TRUE);
JAXBElement<MyClass> root = new JAXBElement<MyClass> ( new QName(MyClass.class.getPackage().getName(),"MyClass"),MyClass.class, node);
marshaller.marshal(root, new File("output/Path/obj.xml"));
To build my java classes from the schema I use a xjc-task in an ant build script:
<xjc destdir="${dir.src.gen}" removeOldOutput="no" extension="true">
<schema dir="${dir.schema}" includes="${file.schema}"/>
<binding dir="${dir.schema}" includes="*.xjb"/>
<produces dir="${dir.src.gen}" includes="**/*.java"/>