
How to pass variables to render_to_string?

2019-01-22 11:52发布


Trying to do the following

@message = render_to_string ( :sender => sender, :template => "template" )          

But when accessing @sender in template it turns out to be nil:NilClass. Double checked if I pass the right variable and it's totally fine. Maybe there are other way to pass variables to render_to_string?


It might be the syntax you're using. Try using the :locals argument:

@m = render_to_string :template => "template", :locals => {:sender => sender}

Then you just need to access sender (without an @) as a local variable inside the template.


Here's Jason Kim's solution he wrote in a comment which worked for me:

  "user_mailer/welcome_email.html.erb", locals: { :@user => user}

Please mind the :@user => value bit.

In Rails 5 (atm in beta):

  file: 'path',
  assigns: { foo: 'bar' }

More here


I was trying to render a different format of partial in render_to_string. The thing which really worked for me was:

render_to_string(:partial => 'partial_file.html', :locals => {:variable => variable}, :format => :html)

where the name of the file was _partial_file.html.erb.


Try this:

ac = ActionController::Base.new()  
ac.render_to_string(:partial => 'path to your partial',:locals => {:varable => your variables})


In rails 4.0.2 this worked:

render_to_string(partial: 'path/to/partial', locals: { argument: 'value'}