I am trying to use the graph API (v1.0) to search for files and folders within our team's sharepoint/onedrive folders but when using an app-only token I consistently get no results for any /search(...)
request I try.
I have an registered and application with https://apps.dev.microsoft.com and have requested and granted consent for the permissions stated in the API Documentation;
, Group.Read.All
, Sites.Read.All
, Sites.ReadWrite.All
, Group.ReadWrite.All
, Sites.Manage.All
, Files.ReadWrite.All
, User.Read.All
, Files.Read.All
, Sites.FullControl.All
When I request a token from https://login.microsoftonline.com/ I can see the granted permissions in the payload.
Using this token I can successfully access the drive and retrieve information about its contents using drive/root
I have a small test folder structure that contains a few simple text files.
I can confirm that this token gives me access to my files and folders by calling drives/{driveid}/items/{folderid}/children
recursively to build a complete tree structure.
However, when I try to search the drive for filenames or text phrases that I know exist I get no results at all, no matter what combination of paths or search terms I use. I've never seen a search result from an app-only token.
Examples that I've tried;
The phrase "test" exists both as a filename and also within the text content of some of the files.
I get an HTTP:200
response but the value collection https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#Collection(driveItem)
is always empty.
I'm building http requests in my application (Coldfusion), not using a SDK.
I wondered if I was having encoding problems so have tried various approaches of url-encoding the search part of the url (q='test')
I've also tried running the same requests with Postman and cUrl but the results are the same. Empty.
The only thing that works is when I try the same searches using the Graph Explorer I get the results I would expect to see.
I know that Explorer uses a different type of token so I'm wondering if this is and issues related to my token being app-only.
Does anyone know if .../search()
actually work for app-only tokens?