I used 'compiler explorer' to convert c++ to MIPS but it doesn't work well in the MARS because of %hi and %lo
I know I should change the part, but I don't know how to change...
Please help
lui $2,%hi($LC1)
lwc1 $f0,%lo($LC1+4)($2)
lwc1 $f1,%lo($LC1)($2)
b $L3
.word 1100470148
.word 0
lw $2,16($fp)
addiu $3,$2,1
sw $3,16($fp)
lui $4,%hi(savepath)
sll $3,$2,2
addiu $2,$4,%lo(savepath)
addu $2,$3,$2
li $3,1 # 0x1
sw $3,0($2)
move $sp,$fp
lw $fp,36($sp)
addiu $sp,$sp,40
j $31