I'm having an issue with multithreading pings that are hanging up my main thread. When debugging the issue, I notice that while the main thread is hung up, it is starting each thread and moving to the next for the pings. Basically it has to ping 5 different IP addresses, and if they're all down my whole thread hangs up for 20 - 30 seconds. I'm using the BeginInvoke, but it still doesn't seem to work right.
Another oddity is that I added a message box at the end of each thread, just to see how they're completing. I have 5 threads and at the end of each is a message box that pops up and says "Done." Well, instead of popping up just 5 times, it's coming up 10 times as if it's running twice. Normally I don't have message boxes in these threads, it is just there for me to try and figure out what is going on, but I'm stumped.
This gets the IP addresses and starts the threads:
Private Sub PingThreadStart()
Host = zeroStoreNum
IP = "10."
Select Case (Host.Substring(0, 1))
Case "0"
IP = IP & "10."
Case "1"
IP = IP & "11."
Case "2"
IP = IP & "12."
Case "3"
IP = IP & "13."
Case "4"
IP = IP & "14."
Case "5"
IP = IP & "15."
Case "6"
IP = IP & "16."
Case "7"
IP = IP & "17."
Case "8"
IP = IP & "18."
Case "9"
IP = IP & "19."
End Select
Select Case (Host.Substring(1, 1))
Case "0"
'IP = IP & "0"
Case "1"
IP = IP & "1"
Case "2"
IP = IP & "2"
Case "3"
IP = IP & "3"
Case "4"
IP = IP & "4"
Case "5"
IP = IP & "5"
Case "6"
IP = IP & "6"
Case "7"
IP = IP & "7"
Case "8"
IP = IP & "8"
Case "9"
IP = IP & "9"
End Select
Select Case (Host.Substring(2, 1))
Case "0"
IP = IP & "0."
Case "1"
IP = IP & "1."
Case "2"
IP = IP & "2."
Case "3"
IP = IP & "3."
Case "4"
IP = IP & "4."
Case "5"
IP = IP & "5."
Case "6"
IP = IP & "6."
Case "7"
IP = IP & "7."
Case "8"
IP = IP & "8."
Case "9"
IP = IP & "9."
End Select
If Host = 100 Then
IP = "10.10.100."
End If
If Host = 200 Then
IP = "10.11.100."
End If
If Host = 300 Then
IP = "10.12.100."
End If
If Host = 400 Then
IP = "10.13.100."
End If
If Host = 500 Then
IP = "10.14.100."
End If
If Host = 600 Then
IP = "10.15.100."
End If
If Host = 700 Then
IP = "10.16.100."
End If
If Host = 800 Then
IP = "10.17.100."
End If
If Host = 900 Then
IP = "10.18.100."
End If
lblIPschemeCH.Text = IP & "X"
SonicWALL = IP & "1"
primary = IP & "2"
secondary = IP & "3"
Dim PingPublicTry As Thread = New Thread(AddressOf PingPublicTH)
Dim PingSWpublicTry As Thread = New Thread(AddressOf PingSWpublicTH)
Dim PingDotOneTry As Thread = New Thread(AddressOf PingDotOneTH)
Dim PingDotTwoTry As Thread = New Thread(AddressOf PingDotTwoTH)
Dim PingDotThreeTry As Thread = New Thread(AddressOf PingDotThreeTH)
PingPublicTry.IsBackground = True
PingSWpublicTry.IsBackground = True
PingDotOneTry.IsBackground = True
PingDotTwoTry.IsBackground = True
PingDotThreeTry.IsBackground = True
If ModemPublic = "DHCP" Or SonicWALLPublic = "DHCP" Then
End If
End Sub
And this is my treads:
Private Sub PingPublicTH()
Dim pingactmodem As New System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping
Dim pingretmodem As System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingReply
Dim speedmodem As Integer
pingretmodem = pingactmodem.Send(ModemPublic)
speedmodem = pingretmodem.RoundtripTime
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
If (lblModCh.InvokeRequired) Then
Dim show As New PingPublicDel(AddressOf PingPublicTH)
If speedmodem >= 1 And speedmodem <= 500 Then
lblModCh.BackColor = Color.Green
ElseIf speedmodem >= 501 And speedmodem <= 1500 Then
lblModCh.BackColor = Color.Orange
ElseIf speedmodem >= 1501 Then
lblModCh.BackColor = Color.Red
ElseIf speedmodem = 0 Then
lblModCh.BackColor = Color.Black
End If
End If
MessageBox.Show("Done modem")
End Sub
Private Sub PingSWpublicTH()
Dim pingactswp As New System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping
Dim pingretswp As System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingReply
Dim speedswp As Integer
pingretswp = pingactswp.Send(SonicWALLPublic)
speedswp = pingretswp.RoundtripTime
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
If (lbSWPCh.InvokeRequired) Then
Dim show As New PingSwPublicDel(AddressOf PingSWpublicTH)
If speedswp >= 1 And speedswp <= 500 Then
lbSWPCh.BackColor = Color.Green
ElseIf speedswp >= 501 And speedswp <= 1500 Then
lbSWPCh.BackColor = Color.Orange
ElseIf speedswp >= 1501 Then
lbSWPCh.BackColor = Color.Red
ElseIf speedswp = 0 Then
lbSWPCh.BackColor = Color.Black
End If
End If
MessageBox.Show("Done swp")
End Sub
Private Sub PingDotOneTH()
Dim pingact1 As New System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping
Dim pingret1 As System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingReply
Dim speed1 As Integer
pingret1 = pingact1.Send(SonicWALL)
speed1 = pingret1.RoundtripTime
If (lblSWch.InvokeRequired) Then
Dim show As New PingDotOneDel(AddressOf PingDotOneTH)
If speed1 >= 1 And speed1 <= 500 Then
lblSWch.Text = (speed1)
lblSWch.BackColor = Color.Green
ElseIf speed1 >= 501 And speed1 <= 1500 Then
lblSWch.Text = (speed1)
lblSWch.BackColor = Color.Orange
ElseIf speed1 >= 1501 Then
lblSWch.Text = (speed1)
lblSWch.BackColor = Color.Red
ElseIf speed1 = 0 Then
lblSWch.Text = "Down"
lblSWch.BackColor = Color.Black
End If
End If
MessageBox.Show("Done .1")
End Sub
Private Sub PingDotTwoTH()
Dim pingact2 As New System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping
Dim pingret2 As System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingReply
Dim Speed2 As Integer
pingret2 = pingact2.Send(primary)
Speed2 = pingret2.RoundtripTime
If (lblMainpcCH.InvokeRequired) Then
Dim show As New PingDotTwoDel(AddressOf PingDotTwoTH)
If Speed2 >= 1 And Speed2 <= 500 Then
lblMainpcCH.Text = (Speed2)
lblMainpcCH.BackColor = Color.Green
ElseIf Speed2 >= 501 And Speed2 <= 1500 Then
lblMainpcCH.Text = (Speed2)
lblMainpcCH.BackColor = Color.Orange
ElseIf Speed2 >= 1501 Then
lblMainpcCH.Text = (Speed2)
lblMainpcCH.BackColor = Color.Red
ElseIf Speed2 = 0 Then
lblMainpcCH.Text = "Down"
lblMainpcCH.BackColor = Color.Black
End If
End If
MessageBox.Show("Done .2")
End Sub
Private Sub PingDotThreeTH()
Dim pingact3 As New System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping
Dim pingret3 As System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingReply
Dim speed3 As Integer
pingret3 = pingact3.Send(secondary)
speed3 = pingret3.RoundtripTime
If (lblSecondch.InvokeRequired) Then
Dim show As New PingDotThreeDel(AddressOf PingDotThreeTH)
If speed3 >= 1 And speed3 <= 500 Then
lblSecondch.Text = (speed3)
lblSecondch.BackColor = Color.Green
ElseIf speed3 >= 501 And speed3 <= 1500 Then
lblSecondch.Text = (speed3)
lblSecondch.BackColor = Color.Orange
ElseIf speed3 >= 1501 Then
lblSecondch.Text = (speed3)
lblSecondch.BackColor = Color.Red
ElseIf speed3 = 0 Then
lblSecondch.Text = "Down"
lblSecondch.BackColor = Color.Black
End If
End If
MessageBox.Show("Done .3")
End Sub