I am trying to write a script that
reads a CSV file that has 3 columns: email, server, date. There are duplicate email addresses, but no duplicate servers
makes a table for each distinct email address from CSV file
sends one email to each distinct email address from CSV file with a list of servers and their dates in an HTML table format.
$Email_Template = "C:\template.html"
[String] $Email_Template = Get-Content "Email_Template"
$csv = Import-Csv "C:\file.csv"
$emailarray = @()
foreach ($test in $csv) {
$emailobject = New-Object PSObject |
Add-Member -Name Email -Value $test.Email -MemberType NoteProperty -PassThru |
Add-Member -Name Email -Value $test.Server -MemberType NoteProperty -PassThru |
Add-Member -Name Email -Value $test.Date -MemberType NoteProperty -PassThru
$emailarray += $emailobject
foreach ($test in $EmailArray) {
try {
$Parameters = @{
#email variables (from cc, etc.)
bodyashtml = $true
$Parameters += @{to = $test.Email}
Send-MailMessage @Parameters -ErrorAction Stop
I'm having success creating the tables by email name, but am having trouble referencing those to be added to the email associated with them.