CSV to Dynamic Tables to HTML Email

2020-05-05 17:59发布


I am trying to write a script that

  1. reads a CSV file that has 3 columns: email, server, date. There are duplicate email addresses, but no duplicate servers

  2. makes a table for each distinct email address from CSV file

  3. sends one email to each distinct email address from CSV file with a list of servers and their dates in an HTML table format.

$Email_Template = "C:\template.html"
[String] $Email_Template = Get-Content "Email_Template"

$csv = Import-Csv "C:\file.csv"
$emailarray = @()

foreach ($test in $csv) {
    $emailobject = New-Object PSObject |
        Add-Member -Name Email -Value $test.Email -MemberType NoteProperty -PassThru |
        Add-Member -Name Email -Value $test.Server -MemberType NoteProperty -PassThru |
        Add-Member -Name Email -Value $test.Date -MemberType NoteProperty -PassThru

    $emailarray += $emailobject
foreach ($test in $EmailArray) {
    try {
        $Parameters = @{
            #email variables (from cc, etc.)
            bodyashtml = $true

        $Parameters += @{to = $test.Email}
        Send-MailMessage @Parameters -ErrorAction Stop

I'm having success creating the tables by email name, but am having trouble referencing those to be added to the email associated with them.


You are losing the value of the email property of the $emailobject because you are calling Add-Member multiple times with the same name.

A cleaner way to construct the object is to use a dictionary:

$emailobject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{"Email"=$test.Email; "Server" = $test.Server ; "Date" = $test.Date}

Will create an email object with 3 properties.