I want to hide some lines of the app.component.html for specific components.
I have a bottom-navigation-bar which some components need. there are some components where the navbar should not show up. Is there any way that I could hide these lines on specific components in my typescript file?
<Gridlayout rows="*, auto">
<page-router-outlet row="0"></page-router-outlet>
<!-- Hide this -->
<BottomNavigation row="1">
// Code
You can create a Observable Data Service, to return a boolean value to toggle the visibility of the BottomNavigator
export class MessageService {
private subject = new Subject<Boolean>();
sendMessage(_value: boolean) {
clearMessage() {
getMessage(): Observable<Boolean> {
return this.subject.asObservable();
And then in the App component, you can subscribe to listen the value and toggle the BottomNavigator
MessageService.toggleService.subscribe(toShow => {
this.isComponentShown = toShow;
// OR if using the prefered async pipe
// https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/guide/pipes.html
this.isComponentShown = this.toggleService.getMessage();
And wherever you have to show the BottomNavigator
you can set the MessageService
Please find a working example here
use *ngIf in template and define a boolean variable inside your component like
bottomNav = false;
you can set it to true later in component upon your checks. And in your template do as
<Gridlayout rows="*, auto">
<page-router-outlet row="0"></page-router-outlet>
<!-- Hide this -->
<div *ngIf="bottomNav;then showNav"></div>
<ng-template #showNav>
<BottomNavigation row="1">
// Code