i've followed all the instructions at the doc for generate JWT Token, but only receive "Bad Request" as response...
when i try to run eg-01-php-jwt the same occurs. i'm using DocuSign demo environment and simulating requests using Postman and curl
the steps i'm doing are:
- generating authorization uri as https://account-d.docusign.com/oauth/auth?response_type=code&scope=signature%20impersonation&client_id=c0c3e3b4-87ec-46e6-afad-9f8cf9dda84c&redirect_uri=http://example.com/api/docusign/obtain-consent/callback
- fill login and password for different docusign sandbox account
- at the redirected uri i get the code parameter and decode at jwt.io, getting kid value from header
- use kid value at sub to generate a new jwt token
- sign jwt token with my private key
- try to obtain access token and receive "Bad Request" as response message
my (updated) generated token is
UPDATE @ 2019-02-26:
to achieve what i want i needed to complete the authorization code flow, get the user account id from step 4 (retrieve user data) and finally generate the jwt token with that info as sub at payload!