I'm working with leaflet.js and pulling data from a CSV file via omnivore. I am able to make individual layers for each of the features I am "filtering" on from the CSV. Aside from writing a lot of the same ominvore.csv(), is there a way to create a function that will return what the user is looking for when they click on a radio button or checkbox in the groupLayers l.control or a custom div / form?
For example, here is my hiking layer:
var hiking = omnivore.csv('data/all.csv', null, trailheadLayer).on('ready', function(layer) {
markerArray = [];
this.eachLayer(function(marker) {
if (marker.toGeoJSON().properties.fee_type == "Free") {
iconSize: [27, 27],
iconAnchor: [13, 27],
popupAnchor: [1, -24],
iconUrl: 'images/trailheadFree.png'
var popupData = "<table class='table table-striped table-sm table-bordered'><tr><th>Site Name</th><td>" + marker.toGeoJSON().properties.site_name + "</td></tr><tr><th>Fee Payment Method</th><td>" + marker.toGeoJSON()
.properties.fee_payment_method + "</td></tr><tr><th>Site Type</th><td>" +
marker.toGeoJSON().properties.site_type + "</td></tr></table>";
} else {
iconSize: [27, 27],
iconAnchor: [13, 27],
popupAnchor: [1, -24],
iconUrl: 'images/trailheadFee.png'
var popupData = "<table class='table table-striped table-sm table-bordered'><tr><th>Site Name</th><td>" + marker.toGeoJSON().properties.site_name + "</td></tr><tr><th>Fee Payment Method</th><td>" + marker.toGeoJSON()
.properties.fee_payment_method + "</td></tr><tr><th>Site Type</th><td>" +
marker.toGeoJSON().properties.site_type + "</td></tr></table>";
and my trailheadLayer filter is like so:
var trailheadLayer = L.geoJson(null, {
filter: function(layer) {
if (layer.properties.site_type == "Trailhead")
return true;
I've tried passing a variable via .val() from an input into the omnivore parser like so:
function selectedLayer(forest, activity) {
selectedLayer("sbnf", "trailheadLayer");
However, i get this console error:
Uncaught TypeError: omnivore.csv(...).addTo is not a function
If I manually add sbnf and trailheadLayer into the omnviore.csv(...), it works just fine.
Thanks for any hints, help or ideas.
Making sure I am passing an object into omnivore:
function selectedLayer(forest, activity) {
var micon = activity;
var theActivity = JSON.parse('{ "activity": "' + activity + '"}');
console.log("this activity is: " + activity + " type is: " + typeof(activity) + ", and after json.parse(): " + typeof(theActivity));
omnivore.csv('data/' + forest + '.csv', null, theActivity).on('ready', function(layer) { ............
However, getting the non-function error here. Isn't the object enough? No quotes on it... not a string...