I noticed some inconsistencies between the data retrieved via the Youtube API v3 and what Youtube shows accessing directly the website. Sometimes, the data returned via the playlistitem list contains a lower number of items (videos) than the playlist shown in the website. This happens when the playlist contains deleted videos. In fact, at times, a video marked as deleted on youtube's playlist, it is still reported in the returned data of a playlistitems call, other times it is not, leading to a playlist having 2 different sizes (i.e. 20 videos on the website and only 18 returned via the api).
This is puzzling for my users when they compare the playlists on youtube and in my application, as they see 2 different results...
Anyone knows how to handle playlists with deleted videos? Or how to retrieve the same data as it is shown in the website?
I'm using php and youtube v3 apis and youtube's php libraries if it is relevant.