i want to make a program like the following picture
and this is my code
$iv = 0;
$Kunci = "U";
$key = dechex(ord($Kunci));
$k = sprintf("%08d",decbin(hexdec($key)));
$c0 = sprintf("%08d", decbin($iv));
$Cip= "0C52CCD7EDB3";
$Cbs = array();
$Cbs[0]= $c0;
$Plaintext = array();
$Cas = array();
$P = array();
$m= 1;
$Csplit = str_split($Cip, 2);
$Cas= str_split($Cip,2);
for ($i=0; $i<count($Csplit); $i++) {
$Cbs[$m] = sprintf("%08d",decbin(hexdec($Csplit[$i])));
for($i=0; $i < count($Cas); $i++){
$Cas[$i] = sprintf("%08d",decbin(hexdec($Cas[$i])));
if($Cas[$i] % 2 <> 0)$Cas[$i]+=128;
$Cas[$i]=sprintf("%08d", decbin($Cas[$i]));
foreach($Cas as $cas_item) {
$prev_c = $Cbs[$n-1];
$P[$n] = _xor($cas_item, $k);
$P[$n] = _xor($P[$n], $prev_c);
$Plaintext[$n] = chr(bindec($P[$n]));
function _xor($text,$key){
for($i=0; $i<strlen($text); $i++){
$text[$i] = intval($text[$i])^intval($key[$i]);
return $text;
echo "<br/>";
echo "<br/>";
echo "<br/>";
echo "<br/>";
Cbs = before shift biner Cas = after shift biner and this comes out, the program code works but array 2 and array 5 are wrong. the binary bit code in front should be 0, not 1. Output :
array 2 should be 01110000 instead of 11110000, and array 5 should be 01110100 but result is 11110100. why is 0 in front being 1?