I need help creating a lexicon for SpeechSynthesiz

2020-05-03 13:05发布


More or less what the title says. I wish to create a lexicon of greek text to speech so I can make my language for SpeechSynthesizer. Where can I find a template of some kind?? Or some guidelines???? Or anything you can possibly offer is acceptable as there is no greek suppport in SpeechSynthesizer. But i need it to be my own creation. Not some third party app. SDKs, header files, libraries, apis all accepted. Just no ready apps that have greek text to speech


Here is a sample with only 1 word (blue).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<lexicon version="1.0" 
      alphabet="x-microsoft-ups" xml:lang="en-US">

    <grapheme> blue </grapheme>
    <phoneme> B L I P </phoneme>


this was taken from: MSDN - Click here for the full article. I would also suggesr reading Pronunciation Lexicon Reference (Microsoft.Speech)