I am trying to use a receiver so that I can extract midi event information as it is playing. I want to listen for notes played and synchronise them was some event. I have read the documentation and I am not sure how to actually use the transmitter / receiver. If someone could help point me in the right direction on how I can grab midi events from the receiver I would be very grateful.
Edit: The possible duplicate offered below doesn't explain how the receiver actually works. It offers source code on the implementation but as a beginner the source code was too advanced for me to make sense of.
import javax.sound.midi.*;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Main {
public static Sequencer sequencer;
public static Sequence sequence;
public static Receiver synthRcvr;
public static Transmitter seqTrans;
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
sequencer = MidiSystem.getSequencer();
sequence = MidiSystem.getSequence(new File("test.midi"));
seqTrans = sequencer.getTransmitter();
synthRcvr = sequencer.getReceiver();
} catch (IOException | MidiUnavailableException | InvalidMidiDataException e) {