
Enabling `-std=c++14` flag in Code::Blocks

2019-01-22 09:30发布


I have installed Code::Blocks for Windows and want to compile C++14 code like generic lambdas but the binary version of Code::Blocks that I've installed from codeblocks.org doesn't support the flag

How do I update the compiler and enable -std=c++14 flag for Code::Blocks?


To compile your source code using C++14 in Code::Blocks, you, first of all, need to download and install a compiler that supports C++14 features.

Here’s how you can do it on Windows:

  1. Download MinGW from here (particular build) or from official site to choose options
  2. Extract it to for example: C:\ (result will be C:\MinGW)
  3. Open Code::Blocks
  4. Go to Settings => Compiler.
  5. Go to “Toolchain Executables”.
  6. In the top field “Compiler’s installation directory”, change the directory to the one where you extracted the compiler. E.g C:\MinGW.
  7. Change all the necessary files under “Program Files” to match the files under C:\MinGW\bin:

  1. Before you hit “OK”, go to the leftmost tab “Compiler settings”.
  2. Select “Compiler Flags”.
  3. For simplicity, right-click in the list somewhere and select “New Flag”:

  1. Type in the following and click "OK", and tick the box of the flag you just created:

  1. Lastly, you need to specify the debugger path. Go to "Settings" => "Debugger", click "Default" on the left-hand side and enter the new full path of the executable:

Now, try to compile a program with C++14 features:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

auto main() -> int
    auto add_two([](auto x, auto y){ return x + y; });

    cout << add_two("I"s, "t"s) << " works!" << endl;


May a humble newbie make one small suggestion? A small modification to test C++14 code, to allow resulting .exe file to be run independently of the IDE it was created in, slightly modified test program follows:

 #include <iostream>
 #include <string>

 using namespace std;

 auto main() -> int
     auto add_two([](auto x, auto y){ return x + y; });

     cout << add_two("I"s, "t"s) << " works!" << endl;

     cout << "press enter to continue..." << endl;
     cin.ignore(10, '\n');

Thank you all, peace to all fellow coders, especially Igor Tandetnik.