regexp to partly hide email? [closed]

2020-05-03 11:36发布


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Closed 7 years ago.

It's rather simple what I'm trying to achieve, I want input such as


to be:


So I made this regexp to match between the first char and the '@'.

mb_regex_encoding ('UTF-8' );

The problem though, it would only match it one time, and thus would only put in there one star, instead of six. Something like this, is what I would get:


Then I wanted to use mb_ereg_replace_callback, to return:

return $matches[1].str_repeat('*', strlen($matches[1]));

Then I read specs and it said mb_ereg_replace_callback is available in PHP 5.4.1 or later.

...Any ideas how could I achieve the same thing?


There is no need to use a callback function, a single regular expression can do it.

  • (?<=.), make sure there is at least one character before so it won't replace the first character.
  • ., match any character.
  • (?=.*@), make sure there is a @ somewhere after the character.

Example with function changed to preg_replace with unicode modifier (as suggested):

echo preg_replace('/(?<=.).(?=.*@)/u','*','漢');




You could use the preg_replace_callback() function from the PCRE family. You can use the u modifier to support UTF-8.

Please note there are some smaller differences between the PCRE (preg_) and POSIX (ereg_) way, besides that the latter is deprecated.



$email = '漢';

    $email = preg_replace_callback('#^(.){1}(.*?)@#u', function($matches)
                return $matches[1] . str_repeat('*', mb_strlen($matches[2])) . '@';

echo $email; # 漢******


A replacement callback is an option.

echo preg_replace_callback('/(?<=^.).+(?=@)/u', function($match) {
    return str_pad('', strlen($match[0]), '*');
}, "");

Note I use an anonymous function as the callback - this is PHP >= 5.3 only. If you're on < 5.3, use a named function or one created with function_create().


Why use regexp at all when this can be done much faster?

if(($pos = mb_strpos($email,'@')) > 0) {
    for($i=1;$i<=$pos;$i++) {
        $email[$i] = '*';