I want to filter questionCollection on basis of tagIDs . Everything working fine but whereArraycontains is working for max 10 id's.
How could I improve my structure to work for more than 10 tagIDs
and also make sure to call as less as hit to server to reduce money spend.
--- questions (collection)
| |
| --- qid (documents)
| |
| --- title: "Question Title"
| |
| --- qid: "autogeneratedID"
| |
| --- tagIDs =[tagID_1,tagID_2...tag_IDs_5] // array
--- tags (collection)
| |
| --- tagID (documents)
| |
| --- tagName: "Mathematics"
| |
| --- tagID: "autogeneratedID"
fetch questions that contains specific tagIDs ( fails if tagIDs greater than 10)
private fun fetchQuestion(tagMap: HashMap<String, String>) {
val tagIDList:MutableList<String> = ArrayList();
for ((key) in tagMap) {
var query: Query = db.collection(Constants.QUESTION_COLLECTION)
.orderBy(Constants.KEY_QUESTION_ID, Query.Direction.DESCENDING).limit(50)
query = query.whereArrayContainsAny("tagIDs", tagIDList);//if list greater than 10 it's not working
query.get().addOnSuccessListener { queryDocumentSnapshots ->
for (documentSnapshot in queryDocumentSnapshots) {
val question = documentSnapshot.toObject(QuestionBO::class.java)
}.addOnFailureListener { e ->
toast("No record found.")