ASPxGridView Find control (Checkbox) and Check if

2020-05-03 10:40发布


I have a checkbox (you can see below) nested in detailed grid. How can I find it on updating click and check if checked or not? I'm using DevExpress GridView

<dxwgv:GridViewDataCheckColumn Visible="false" VisibleIndex="14">
<EditFormSettings Visible="True" />
         <dxe:ASPxCheckBox ID="ASPxCheckBox1" Text="" runat="server">                                                     </dxe:ASPxCheckBox>
        </EditItemTemplate>                                                                                  </dxwgv:GridViewDataCheckColumn>


Protected Sub grid_RowInserting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DevExpress.Web.Data.ASPxDataInsertingEventArgs) Handles grdProyectos.RowInserting
        Dim grid As ASPxGridView = (TryCast(sender, ASPxGridView))
        Dim chk As CheckBox= grid.FindEditRowCellTemplateControl(grid.Columns("name_colum"), "nameCheckBox")
        Dim marcada as Boolean = chk.Checked
End Sub


Use the built-in Selection feature of the ASPxGridView. It has events and methods to find the selected rows. Take a look at this sample: