I read alot that folks recommend using nosql together with sql datastores. For example have some reporting audit-trailing or log information in mysql and some threaded hierarchical data in mongodb.
Is it possible to hook up rails with active record on mysql as well as mongoid?
Out of the box it seems not to work...Any hints?
Or is this a not recommended approach?
Well, to do it, you're supposed to leave Rails intact, so don't exclude libraries like it's commonly suggested in Mongoid documentation. You need to configure them separately, so you need to have a database.yml and mongo.yml config files and you need to make sure they're both getting loaded.
After that, you can enable/disable AR and Mongoid on a per-model basis.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
#this is an AR model
class Item
include Mongoid::Document
#this is a Mongoid model