I have written an NSTask
async exec method for a simple python script.
When then python script just prints to stdout, all is fine.
When there is a raw_input
in there (expecting input from the user), it sure gets the input fine, but it does NOT print the data BEFORE raw_input
What's going on?
- (NSString*)exec:(NSArray *)args environment:(NSDictionary*)env action:(void (^)(NSString*))action completed:(void (^)(NSString*))completed
_task = [NSTask new];
_output = [NSPipe new];
_error = [NSPipe new];
_input = [NSPipe new];
NSFileHandle* outputF = [_output fileHandleForReading];
NSFileHandle* errorF = [_error fileHandleForReading];
NSFileHandle* inputF = [_input fileHandleForWriting];
__block NSString* fullOutput = @"";
NSMutableDictionary* envs = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
NSArray* newArgs = @[@"bash",@"-c"];
[_task setLaunchPath:@"/usr/bin/env"];
if (env)
for (NSString* key in env)
envs[key] = env[key];
if ([envs count]) [_task setEnvironment:envs];
NSString* cmd = @"";
cmd = [cmd stringByAppendingString:[[[self sanitizedArgs:args] componentsJoinedByString:@" "] stringByAppendingString:@" && echo \":::::$PWD:::::\""]];
[_task setArguments:[newArgs arrayByAddingObject:cmd]];
[_task setStandardOutput:_output];
[_task setStandardError:_error];
[_task setStandardInput:_input];
void (^outputter)(NSFileHandle*) = ^(NSFileHandle *file){
NSData *data = [file availableData];
NSString* str = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSLog(@"Output: %@",str);
fullOutput = [fullOutput stringByAppendingString:str];
void (^inputter)(NSFileHandle*) = ^(NSFileHandle *file) {
NSLog(@"In inputter");
NSData *data = [[_task.standardOutput fileHandleForReading] availableData];
NSString* str = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSLog(@"Output: %@",str);
[outputF setReadabilityHandler:outputter];
[errorF setReadabilityHandler:outputter];
//[inputF setWriteabilityHandler:inputter];
[_task setTerminationHandler:^(NSTask* task){
NSLog(@"Terminated: %@",fullOutput);
//[task.standardOutput fileHandleForReading].readabilityHandler = nil;
//[task.standardError fileHandleForReading].readabilityHandler = nil;
//[task.standardInput fileHandleForWriting].writeabilityHandler = nil;
//[task terminate];
//task = nil;
[_task launch];
//[[_input fileHandleForWriting] waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify];
return @"";
P.S. I've searched everywhere for a solution, but didn't seem to spot anything. It looks like there are tons of NSTask
walkthroughs and tutorials, but - funny coincidence - they usually avoid dealing with any of the stdin