I've been tearing my hair out for the past 2 hours, At first I thought Moment.js is the culprit for not returning a correct time, but it was mongoose Date.now that has been doing some evil stuff.
Here's the code
const moment = require('moment');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const item = new mongoose.Schema({
time: { type: Date, default: Date.now },
time2: { type: Date }
As you can see I have two fields, one is for the default date from mongoose and the other one is just a field for storing date.
item.pre('save', function() {
console.log(moment()); // Showing a correct date and time
console.log(this.time); // Showing a correct date but false time
this.time2 = moment(); // When it is saved to the database, it will show a correct date but false time
The result is
moment("2017-01-09T19:42:48.896") // the first console.log. This is correct, the time is correct
2017-01-09T11:42:48.884Z // Second console.log. The date is correct but the time is FALSE
I thought If I do this everything will be solved
const item = new mongoose.Schema({
time: { type: Date, default: moment() },
time2: { type: Date, default: Date.now }
But you know what is the console.log for the first field which is time
2017-01-09T11:42:48.884Z // it is this time which is WRONG TIME
My guess would be that mongoose data type which is Date has an inaccurate timezone check.
Any help would be appreciated.