I am using Scrapy to extract some data about musical concerts from websites. At least one website I'm working with uses (incorrectly, according to W3C - Is it valid to have paragraph elements inside of a heading tag in HTML5 (P inside H1)?) a p element within an h1 element. I need to extract the text within the p element nevertheless, and cannot figure out how.
I have read the documentation and looked around for example uses, but am relatively new to Scrapy. I understand the solution has something to do with setting the Selector type to "xml" rather than "html" in order to recognize any XML tree, but for the life of me I cannot figure out how or where to do that in this instance.
For example, a website has the following HTML:
<h1 class="performance-title">
<p>Bernard Haitink conducts Brahms and Dvořák featuring pianist Emanuel Ax
I have made an item called Concert() that has a value called 'title'. In my item loader, I use:
def parse_item(self, response):
thisconcert = ItemLoader(item=Concert(), response=response)
return thisconcert.load_item()
This returns, in item['title'], a unicode list that does not include the text inside the p element, such as:
['\n ', '\n ', '\n ']
I understand why, but I don't know how to get around it. I have also tried things like:
from scrapy import Selector
def parse_item(self, response):
s = Selector(text=' '.join(response.xpath('.//section[@id="performers"]/text()').extract()), type='xml')
What am I doing wrong here, and how can I parse HTML that contains this problem (p within h1)?
I have referenced the information concerning this specific issue at Behavior of the scrapy xpath selector on h1-h6 tags but it does not provide a complete solution that can be applied to a spider, only an example within a session using a given text string.