I'm trying to get the paperclip gem to upload images on my production server (ubuntu 12.0.4, apache2, phusion passenger and rvm) and for each attachment I get three lots of this validation error:
Img one /tmp/villa-0520121006-4333-hdo9wv.jpeg is not recognized by the 'identify' command.
ImageMagick is installed properly, as is the libmagickwand-dev package, Rmagick and paperclip. And I've set the correct command_path to where identify and convert are located in my production.rb config file.
here is my model if it helps:
class Property < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :img_one, :img_two, :img_three, :img_four, :img_five, :img_six, :price, :title, :description, :location, :beds, :property_type, :agreement_type, :featured
has_attached_file :img_one, :styles => { :medium => "420x280>", :mobile => "300x220", :thumb => "100x80>" }
has_attached_file :img_two, :styles => { :medium => "420x280>", :mobile => "300x220", :thumb => "100x80>" }
has_attached_file :img_three, :styles => { :medium => "420x280>", :mobile => "300x220", :thumb => "100x80>" }
has_attached_file :img_four, :styles => { :medium => "420x280>", :mobile => "300x220", :thumb => "100x80>" }
has_attached_file :img_five, :styles => { :medium => "420x280>", :mobile => "300x220", :thumb => "100x80>" }
has_attached_file :img_six, :styles => { :medium => "420x280>", :mobile => "300x220", :thumb => "100x80>" }
validates_presence_of :title, :description, :location, :beds, :property_type, :agreement_type, :price
validates :price, :numericality => { :greater_than => 0 }
validates :beds, :numericality => { :only_integer => true, :greater_than => 0 }
I'm really scratching my head with this one and any help or advice would be much appreciated thanks