
How to know which key is pressed on UIKeyboard in

2020-05-01 08:03发布


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I am implementing a iPad application. In my application I need to know which key is pressed in the keyborad. Can you guys please help me is there any way to find it?

Thank you, Sekhar.


This is a vague question, but if you simply want to know what key has been tapped you need to implement a delegate for input control that called the keyboard. For example if you are using a UITextView, then implement the UITextViewDelegate, wire up the control's delegate property to you class, and then implement the textView:shouldChangeTextInRange:replacementText:. When UITextView recognizes a change then it will call this method. You can then watch for the characters in the "replacementText" argument.

With UITextField use the UITextFieldDelegate and implement the textField:shouldChangeCharactersInRange:replacementString: method.

You can do other things with UITextField like change the Return button to a Done button in Interface Builder. The implement the textFieldShouldReturn: method. If it's called then run the resignFirstResponder on the object passed to the method.

Hope this helps.