Below is input XML code and I want to replace wherever this __
character sequence is mentioned it to be replaced by a colon :
For example, if it is sbdh__sender
, it should be replace by sbdh:sender
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ns1:EPCISDocument xmlns:ns1="" schemaVersion="" creationDate="">
<sbdh__Identifier Authority=""/>
<sbdh__Identifier Authority=""/>
<sbdh__ServiceTransaction TypeOfServiceTransaction="" IsNonRepudiationRequired="" IsAuthenticationRequired="" IsNonRepudiationOfReceiptRequired="" IsIntegrityCheckRequired="" IsApplicationErrorResponseRequired="" TimeToAcknowledgeReceipt="" TimeToAcknowledgeAcceptance="" TimeToPerform=""/>
<epc type=""/>
<bizTransaction type=""/>
Any help on this will be appreciated.