I would like to replace a string indicating version number in a javascript file (myConstantsFile.js
), with another string. So, for example, my version number looks like this: "01.11.15", written like this in myConstantsFile.js
with other constants:
.constant('productVersion', '1.11.15');
Right now, my task looks like this:
gulp.task('increment-version', function(){
.pipe(replace(/'productVersion', '(.*)'/g, '99.99.99'))
As you can see, I am using a constant, not running incrementation code, which would look like this:
var numberString = '0.0.1';
var versionParts = numberString.split('.');
var vArray = {
vMajor : versionParts[0],
vMinor : versionParts[1],
vPatch : versionParts[2]
vArray.vPatch = parseFloat(vArray.vPatch) + 1;
var periodString = ".";
var newVersionNumberString = vArray.vMajor + periodString +
vArray.vMinor+ periodString +
I need:
- A way to select the current version number via regex via the file.
- To know where I can put the logic in the last code block to increment the number and build the new string.
Install gulp-bump
npm install gulp-bump --save-dev
Install yargs
npm install yargs --save-dev
Require gulp-bump
var bump = require('gulp-bump');
Require yargs
var args = require('yargs').argv;
Your bump task
gulp.task('bump', function () {
/// <summary>
/// It bumps revisions
/// Usage:
/// 1. gulp bump : bumps the package.json and bower.json to the next minor revision.
/// i.e. from 0.1.1 to 0.1.2
/// 2. gulp bump --version 1.1.1 : bumps/sets the package.json and bower.json to the
/// specified revision.
/// 3. gulp bump --type major : bumps 1.0.0
/// gulp bump --type minor : bumps 0.1.0
/// gulp bump --type patch : bumps 0.0.2
/// gulp bump --type prerelease : bumps 0.0.1-2
/// </summary>
var type = args.type;
var version = args.version;
var options = {};
if (version) {
options.version = version;
msg += ' to ' + version;
} else {
options.type = type;
msg += ' for a ' + type;
return gulp
.src(['Path to your package.json', 'path to your bower.json'])
.pipe(gulp.dest('path to your root directory'));
VSO Note: I believe a lot of people coming to this thread will be looking exactly for the answer above. The code below is to edit a version number stored somewhere BESIDES the npm/bower package files, such as in angular constants:
gulp.task('increment-version', function(){
//docString is the file from which you will get your constant string
var docString = fs.readFileSync('./someFolder/constants.js', 'utf8');
//The code below gets your semantic v# from docString
var versionNumPattern=/'someTextPreceedingVNumber', '(.*)'/; //This is just a regEx with a capture group for version number
var vNumRexEx = new RegExp(versionNumPattern);
var oldVersionNumber = (vNumRexEx.exec(docString))[1]; //This gets the captured group
//...Split the version number string into elements so you can bump the one you want
var versionParts = oldVersionNumber.split('.');
var vArray = {
vMajor : versionParts[0],
vMinor : versionParts[1],
vPatch : versionParts[2]
vArray.vPatch = parseFloat(vArray.vPatch) + 1;
var periodString = ".";
var newVersionNumber = vArray.vMajor + periodString +
vArray.vMinor+ periodString +
.pipe(replace(/'someTextPreceedingVNumber', '(.*)'/g, newVersionNumber))
I ommitted some mumbo-jumbo that writes my constant in a pretty string, but that's the gist and it works.
Started looking into gulp since past 5 hours,as I had a task to fix the requirement. So, being a definite noob to gulp I came out with the below code which is without the regex expression. Thanks to @VSO and @Wilmer Saint for a quick start. Might be a tiny change, but this helped me.
gulp.task('version', function(){
var fs = require('fs');
//docString is the file from which you will get your constant string
var docString = fs.readFileSync('app/scripts/version/version.js', 'utf8'); //type of docString i an object here.
var versionParts = docString.split('.');
var vArray = {
vMajor : versionParts[0],
vMinor : versionParts[1],
vPatch : versionParts[2]
vArray.vPatch = parseFloat(vArray.vPatch) + 1;
var periodString = ".";
var newVersionNumber = vArray.vMajor + periodString +
vArray.vMinor+ periodString +
require('fs').writeFileSync('app/scripts/version/version.js', newVersionNumber + "'");
return gulp.src(['app/scripts/version/version.js'])
.pipe(gulp.dest('app/scripts/version/new_version'));//creates version.js file in the directory
or the return code could be as below to override the number in version.js file
return gulp.src(['app/scripts/version/version.js'],
{base: './app/scripts/version/version.js'})
My version.js has only below code
versionBuild = '1.0.8'
I used the below in my main function(loads on loading the app)
var versionBuild=parseInt(1000*Math.random());
var random = function(digs){
var rndn;
if(window.location.hostname === "localhost" || window.location.hostname === "") {
rndn = Math.random();
if(digs != undefined && !isNaN(digs)){
rndn = parseInt(Math.pow(10, digs)*rndn)
return rndn;
else {
return versionBuild;