
Integrating Jade in Yeoman's server/watch/relo

2019-01-22 08:43发布


I've been playing around with Yeoman & Jade. I've created a small test app via yeoman init angular (it's an angular app, but that's not the point here)...

When I enter yeoman server at the command line, it will:

  • compile coffeescript & compass files
  • start a server
  • start a browser
  • watch & reload coffeescript & compass changes in the browser

Which is a great feature of Yeoman!

Now I want the same feature with Jade. So I installed grunt-jade via npm install grunt-jade and added the following config in GruntFile.js to compile the jade templates:

   jade: {
      html: {
        src: ['app/views/*.jade'],
        dest: 'app/views',
        options: {
          client: false

I was able to integrate the jade task in Yeoman's watch & reload tasks by adding the following config in the watch task:

  watch: {
     jade: {
       files: 'app/views/*.jade',
       tasks: 'jade reload'

And all works wonderfully well... except that the initial compile does not occur unless I add the jade task to the command:

yeoman jade server

Our butler doesn't like this nice girl, because he won't let her integrate with his server task :) And that is annoying, since yeoman server will compile only coffeescript & compass files.

Is there any way how I could add the jade task to the default execution of yeoman server?


We created a guide on how to integrate Jade with Yeoman: Using Yeoman and Jade


make sure to add


on top of your gruntfile, otherwise yeoman doesn't know how to handle the "jade" task


There's an excellent guide to using Yeoman 1.0 and Jade together at https://gist.github.com/passy/5229305