Error while loading shared libraries: in

2020-04-30 16:17发布


I have ElementaryOS installed. I am running Processing IDE in the terminal by running ./processing in the processing-3.3.4 directory. I'm getting this error:

java: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


This is a known issue that is being worked on. As of this moment, it doesn't look like they have released a fix, so I would try the previous version.

In the future, I recommend searching with Google for the specific error you're getting before posting to a forum. It can be hard to know what to search for, so here's an explanation of my process.

First I tried searching for "elementary os" processing cannot open shared object file "" but since that didn't give me anything obvious, I assumed that this is not a widespread problem with Elementary OS. Note that I put quotes around "elementary os" and "". This ensures that Google treats these as phrases, so pages with the word "elementary" and the word "os" will not match unless those two words are side-by-side.

Next I searched for processing ide cannot open shared object file "" which gave me a link to the main Issues page on the github project. On that page, I searched for which gave me one result, which is the issue I linked here.

I hope that helps you in the future.


Download Java SE Development Kit 8u192 in your home directory (click "Accept License Agreement")

Extract (in terminal):

tar xzvf ~/jdk-8u192-linux-x64.tar.gz

Create the symbolic links:

sudo ln -s -f ~/jdk1.8.0_192/bin/* /usr/bin/


java -version