Difference between na().drop() and filter(col.isNo

2019-01-22 08:44发布


Is there any difference in semantics between df.na().drop() and df.filter(df.col("onlyColumnInOneColumnDataFrame").isNotNull() && !df.col("onlyColumnInOneColumnDataFrame").isNaN()) where df is Apache Spark Dataframe?

Or shall I consider it as a bug if the first one does NOT return afterwards null (not a String null, but simply a null value) in the column onlyColumnInOneColumnDataFrame and the second one does?

EDIT: added !isNaN() as well. The onlyColumnInOneColumnDataFrame is the only column in the given Dataframe. Let's say it's type is Integer.


With df.na.drop() you drop the rows containing any null or NaN values.

With df.filter(df.col("onlyColumnInOneColumnDataFrame").isNotNull()) you drop those rows which have null only in the column onlyColumnInOneColumnDataFrame.

If you would want to achieve the same thing, that would be df.na.drop(["onlyColumnInOneColumnDataFrame"]).


I do not know if you got your answer. But this should work:


or even:

df.na.drop(how = 'any')