The problem comes from updating code to C++11, which uses initialisers.
a = X(4);
b = X();
c = X( (1+2)*(3+4) );
void P : X(5) { foo(); }
a = X{4};
b = X{};
c = X{ (1+2)*(3+4) };
void P : X{5} { foo(); }
My IDE (XCode) supports RegEx search and replace.
I've tried:
X\((.*)\) -> X{$1}
But it fails on:
X(foo); Y(bar); -> X{foo); Y(bar};
Is there any way to accomplish this transformation?
EDIT: might this answer hold the key? Or this one?
EDIT: Sorry, my list of examples was incomplete. It's going to be difficult to categorise in advance, so I will just have to keep amending the question until I've got all the edge cases. I think the problem is that any kind of trick cannot be relied upon.