Is there a way to speed up our plpgsql function that counts certain types of docs all in one query which is executed in a loop? ALL in one query?
validador := (select count(id_doc) from webdte.doc_tip_cifra
where id_doc = id_documento and id_tipo_cifra = 901);
validador2 := (select count(id_doc) from webdte.doc_tip_cifra
where id_doc = id_documento and id_tipo_cifra = 902);
validador3 := (select count(id_doc) from webdte.doc_tip_cifra
where id_doc = id_documento and id_tipo_cifra = 905);
validador4 := (select count(id_doc) from webdte.doc_tip_cifra
where id_doc = id_documento and id_tipo_cifra = 907);