I’m working on a desktop app that has WPF GUI and unmanaged C++ backend. I’ve defined API the following way (C# version, truncated):
[Guid( "###" ), InterfaceType( ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown )]
interface iMyApp
void aMethod();
[DllImport( "my.dll", PreserveSig = true )]
public extern static int create( string configPath, out iMyApp a );
In the backend I have
__interface __declspec( uuid( "###" ) ) iMyApp: public IUnknown
HRESULT __stdcall aMethod();
And classic ATL-based implementation.
This works nice and fast, requires no COM registration, no type libraries, no MIDL compiler, etc.
The problem is, I can’t pass iMyApp instances across threads in C#, E_NOINTERFACE exception is raised.
My implementation is thread-neutral.
How to tell that to .NET so it stops marshalling my interfaces across threads, and just use the same IUnknown pointer on all threads? If it matters, I only need to support 4.5+