E.g. I've got a text file like this:
I wish to change it to be:
Just remove first "#" from each row. How to do that? Thanks.
E.g. I've got a text file like this:
I wish to change it to be:
Just remove first "#" from each row. How to do that? Thanks.
To only change the first #
in a string you could use a regular expression like this
"abc,#32432,he#llo" -replace '(.*?)#(.*$)', '${1}${2}'
Explanation as by Regexbuddy
# (.*?)#(.*$)
# Options: Case insensitive; Exact spacing; Dot doesn't match line breaks; ^$ match at line breaks; Parentheses capture
# Match the regex below and capture its match into backreference number 1 «(.*?)»
# Match any single character that is NOT a line break character (line feed) «.*?»
# Between zero and unlimited times, as few times as possible, expanding as needed (lazy) «*?»
# Match the character “#” literally «#»
# Match the regex below and capture its match into backreference number 2 «(.*$)»
# Match any single character that is NOT a line break character (line feed) «.*»
# Between zero and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) «*»
# Assert position at the end of a line (at the end of the string or before a line break character) (line feed) «$»
You can use simple regex that replaces a hash that follows a section of non hashes with nothing, something like this:
Get-Content input_file.txt | % {$_ -replace '(?<=^[^#]+)#'} | Set-Content output_file.txt