I'm using Laravel raw sql query feature. And have to perform a like query. There are so many joins and checking in this code. So it's better to use raw SQL. Everything is working fine. But when I use the like , there's an error.
$Stars = DB::select('select v.videoid,s.seriesshortname, v.videotitle, v.VideoShortName, v.VideoImagepath, v.Views, v.Likes, v.Dislikes, v.Rating, v.videocategory, v.lastupdated,v.videocategory,v.seriesid,v.genreid,v.studioid from tblvideo v, tblpornstarvideo pv,tblseries s,tblpornstar p where v.videoid = pv.videoid and v.seriesid = s.seriesid and upper(v.Active) = \'Y\' and pv.psid = p.psid and pv.psid = :id and (v.site = 1 or v.site=3) and v.videotitle like \':letter%\' order by v.videotitle limit 6 offset :offset', ['id' => $id, 'offset' => $offset]);
Please check the like code. (v.videotitle like \':letter%\')
And please tell me how to make that working. I followed the documentation here. https://laravel.com/docs/5.1/database