My database has 3 tables i wish to access in the select query but I cannot seem to get it to work. Selecting from 2 tables works fine so I know everything else is working apart from my code for selecting from 3 tables. My database has been created on PHPmyadmin
The Tables are as follows:
- reply_id
- topic_id
- user_id
- reply_text
- reply date
- topic_id
- category_id
- user_id
- topic_title
- topic_description
- topic_date
- user_id
- username
This is the code I have tried to use and shows the fields I wish to select:
$queryreply = "SELECT forum_replies.reply_id, forum_replies.topic_id, forum_replies.user_id,
forum_replies.reply_text, forum_replies.reply_date, users.user_id, users.username
forum_topics.topic_id,forum_topics.topic_title, forum_topics.topic_date
FROM forum_replies
JOIN forum_topics
ON forum_replies.topic_id = forum_topics.topic_id
JOIN users
ON forum_replies.user_id = users.user_id
$result = mysql_query($queryreply) or die (mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
Example in code would be appreciated. Thanks