SpEL in @Qualifier refer to same bean

2020-04-29 16:39发布


I am interested to inject a bean reference, which is resolved based on another property on the same bean:

@Qualifier("#{'prefix' + actualQualifier}")
private OtherBean otherBean

private String actualQualifier;

This would ensure that the relationship between "actualQualifier" and "otherBean" is correct.

There is a number of beans configured of the type OtherBean.

I can make sure that "actualQualifier" has a value set before autowiring/injection begins.

I am unable to find any way to reference another property value (in the JavaBean sense) on the same bean that is currently being autowired.


AFAIK, this will not work. SpEL has no access to variables of the enclosing class. And anyway, it looks like @Qualifier does not process SpEL expressions.

I did some tests and never found how to use a SpEL expression as a @Qualifier value. This page from Spring forums (and the error messages from Spring) let me think that in fact @Qualifier only takes a String and does not try to evaluate a SpEL expression.

My conclusion is that way will lead you in a dead end.

As suggested in this other answer, I think you'd better use a selector bean and set otherBean in an init method :

class MyBean {
    private BeanSelector beanSelector;
    private OtherBean otherBean
    private String actualQualifier;

    public void init() {
        otherBean = beanSelector(actualQualifier);

and put all intelligence about the choice of otherBean in beanSelector.