We are planning to migrate our pdf generation utilities from iText to PDFBox (Due to licensing issues in iText). With some effort, I was able to write and position text, draw lines etc. But creating Tables with text embedded in Table cells is a challenge, I went through the documentation, examples, Google, Stackoverflow couldn't find a thing. Was wondering if PDFBox provides native support for creating Tables with embedded text. My last resort would be to use this link https://github.com/eduardohl/Paginated-PDFBox-Table-Sample
Thanks to the links provided by Tilman. Using the boxable API (https://github.com/dhorions/boxable) I was able to create the table I wanted to. Just an FYI I wanted to create the table with variable number of cells. For example row 1 would have 2 cells, row 2 could have 5 cells and row 3 could have just 3 cells. I was able to do with ease. I followed Example1.java in the link mentioned above.
Since I also needed table drawing functionality for a side project, I implemented a small "table drawer" library myself, which I uploaded to github.
In order to produce such a table – for instance – ...
... you would need this code. And that code is needed for that table:
The current "feature list" includes:
- set font and font size on table level as well as on cell level
- define single cells with bottom-, top-, left- and right-border width separatly
- define the background color on row or cell level
- define padding (top, bottom, left, right) on cell level
- define border color (on table, row or cell level)
- specify text alignment (vertical and horizontal)
- cell spanning
- text wrapping
Also it should not be too hard to add missing stuff like having different border colors for borders on top, bottom, left and right-borders, if needed.