
SQLDependency Caching not working

2020-04-28 07:09发布


I am trying to use SQLDependency Caching with Query Notifications in my ASP.NET application. I followed these steps to set up SQLDependency Caching.I was able to set up the db successfully. However,when I run my application I am getting the following error.

Cannot find the specified user 'owner'.
Cannot find the queue
because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
Invalid object name

Code Global.asax

void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Code that runs on application startup


I tried to Google the solution but I could not get any help.

Can anyone help me with this?

Am I missing something?


Either you can give the User sysadmin rights OR

provide alter permission to the dbo schema.

In order to create a procedure, a function, schema scoped objects etc.., you need at least ALTER permission on the target schema. Here is the TSQL syntax,

grant alter on schema :: schema_name to  user_name

The user should also have the permissions on the Notification Service , Queues. To grant the permission to user ‘John’ on the Service and queue use:

GRANT SEND on service::SqlQueryNotificationService to John
GRAND RECEIVE on SqlQueryNotificationService_DefaultQueue to John

Also the user needs permission to subscribe to notification.( This is done already by you I guess) To do this use:


One last point so far i can guess to help is that in case you have setup SqlDependency on a command, then make sure you execute it.Query subscriptions on the server happen only on command execution.

SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();

This post may prove more helpful.