
How to check (in template) if user belongs to a gr

2019-01-22 07:13发布


How to check in template whether user belongs to some group?

It is possible in a view which is generating the template but what if I want to check this in base.html which is an extending template (it does not have it's own view function)?

All of my templates extends base.html so it is not good to check it in each view.

The base.html contains upper bar, which should contain buttons depending on in which group logged user is (Customers, Sellers).

In my base.html is:

{% if user.is_authenticated %}

which is not enough because I have to act differently to users from Customers and users from Sellers.

So the thing I want is:

{% if user.in_group('Customers') %}
{% endif %}
{% if user.in_group('Sellers') %}
{% endif %}


You need custom template tag:

from django import template
from django.contrib.auth.models import Group 

register = template.Library() 

def has_group(user, group_name):
    return user.groups.filter(name=group_name).exists() 

In your template:

{% if request.user|has_group:"mygroup" %} 
    <p>User belongs to my group 
{% else %}
    <p>User doesn't belong to mygroup</p>
{% endif %}

Source: http://www.abidibo.net/blog/2014/05/22/check-if-user-belongs-group-django-templates/

Docs: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.9/howto/custom-template-tags/


In your app create a folder 'templatetags'. In this folder create two files:



from django import template
from django.contrib.auth.models import Group 

register = template.Library()

def has_group(user, group_name): 
    group = Group.objects.get(name=group_name) 
    return True if group in user.groups.all() else False

It should look like this now:


After adding the templatetags module, you will need to restart your server before you can use the tags or filters in templates.

In your base.html (template) use the following:

{% load auth_extras %}

and to check if the user is in group "moderator":

{% if request.user|has_group:"moderator" %} 
{% endif %}

Documentation: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.11/howto/custom-template-tags/


I'd say that the best way is:


from django import template

register = template.Library()

def has_group(user, group_name):
    return user.groups.filter(name=group_name).exists()


{% if request.user|has_group:"mygroup" %} 
    <p>User belongs to my group 
{% else %}
    <p>User doesn't belong to mygroup</p>
{% endif %}


Watch out that you'll get an exception if the group does not exist in the DB.

The custom template tag should be:

from django import template
from django.contrib.auth.models import Group

register = template.Library()

def has_group(user, group_name):
        group =  Group.objects.get(name=group_name)
    except Group.DoesNotExist:
        return False

    return group in user.groups.all()

Your template:

{% if request.user|has_group:"mygroup" %} 
    <p>User belongs to my group 
{% else %}
    <p>User doesn't belong to mygroup</p>
{% endif %}


In your template

{% ifequal user.groups.all.0.name "user" %}
  This is User
{% endifequal %}