I created a spin button in GTK+ like this:
flow_spin = gtk_spin_button_new_with_range (100,1500,25);
and I want to change it's font and size. I googled in order to find a workaround because it seems that the spin button widget doesn't change it's format natively, but nothing worked.
flow_spin.Child.ModifyFont(FontDescription.FromString("Courier 16"));
as well as this, didn't work:
flow_spin.Markup = "<span size='38000'>big text</span>";
As for this, the plus and minus buttons got bigger, but the text area remained the same size:
gtk_widget_set_size_request ( flow_spin,50, 50);
I look if possibly for a method, similar to this ?
gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), "<span font='8' foreground='black' weight='normal'>100</span>");
Since I am a beginner at C as well as GTK+, any suggestions would be appreciated.