How can I access a function's calling location

2020-04-26 05:40发布


I would like to write a function that accesses the file and line number of the location in which it gets called.

It would look like this:

fn main() {
    prints_calling_location(); // would print `called from line: 2`
    prints_calling_location(); // would print `called from line: 3`

fn prints_calling_location() {
    let caller_line_number = /* ??? */;
    println!("called from line: {}", caller_line_number);


RFC 2091: Implicit caller location adds the track_caller feature which enables a function to access the location of its caller.

Short answer: to obtain the location in which your function gets called, mark it with #[track_caller] and use std::panic::Location::caller in its body.

Following from that answer, your example would look like this:


fn main() {
    prints_calling_location(); // would print `called from line: 2`
    prints_calling_location(); // would print `called from line: 3`

fn prints_calling_location() {
    let caller_location = std::panic::Location::caller();
    let caller_line_number = caller_location.line();
    println!("called from line: {}", caller_line_number);

playground link

More specifically, the function std::panic::Location::caller has two behaviors:

  • Within a function marked #[track_caller], it returns a &'static Location<'static> which you can use to find out the file, line number, and column number in which your function gets called.
  • Within a function that doesn't have #[track_caller], it has the error-prone behavior of returning the actual location where you've invoked it, not where your function gets called, for example:

    fn main() {
        // ^ prints `line: 10` instead of the expected `line: 4`
    // note: missing #[track_caller] here
    fn oops() {
        println!("line: {}", std::panic::Location::caller().line());

    playground link


An alternative to using the "Implicit caller location" (which may not be available/suitable to you for whatever reason) is to do things the C way. I.e. hide your function behind a macro.

macro_rules! prints_calling_location {
    () => { 
        let caller_line_number = line!();
        println!("called from line: {}", caller_line_number);

fn main() {
    prints_calling_location!(); // prints `called from line: 10`
    prints_calling_location!(); // prints `called from line: 11`

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