I keep getting errors when I make my .class
part of a package
and try to run it from cmd.
Here's the code that works after using javac
and then java:
class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello World!");
and then the code that does not work:
package com;
class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello World!");
giving me this error after trying to run the program via the command: java HelloWorld
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: HelloWorld (wrong nam
e: com/HelloWorld)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.access$100(Unknown Source)
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.launcher.LauncherHelper.checkAndLoadMain(Unknown Source)
Here's what I've tried doing so far:
java -cp . HelloWorld
java -cp . com.HelloWorld
java -cp . com/HelloWorld
java HelloWorld
java com.HelloWorld
java com/HelloWorld
Keep in mind that javac
returns with no errors and that simply removing package com;
solves the problem. Sometimes in other scenarios I get an error that says the main class file cannot be found or something along those lines.
What am I doing wrong?
Suppose you did cd C:/projects
and HelloWorld.class
is in C:/projects/com
, then just type:
java com.HelloWorld
Packages are directly related to the expected directory location of the file.
That is, if you have a source file with the package directive of com
, it is expected that the file will live in the com
In your HelloWorld
example, it would be expected that the HelloWorld.java
file would be stored in the com
directory, like com\HelloWorld.java
When you compile the file, it will create a class file called HelloWorld.class
in the com
directory, like com\HelloWorld.class
This way, when Java goes looking for the com.HelloWorld
class, it would actually be searching it's class path and appending com\HelloWorld.class
to it until it finds your class file or runs out of class path
So, I copied your HelloWorld.java
(with package) example to C:\java\com\HelloWord.java
From the command line, I changed to the C:\java
C:\java>dir com
Volume in drive C is OS
Volume Serial Number is ####-####
Directory of C:\java\com
09/08/2013 01:55 PM <DIR> .
09/08/2013 01:55 PM <DIR> ..
09/08/2013 01:55 PM 135 HelloWorld.java
Then I compiled the HelloWorld.java
C:\java>javac com\HelloWorld.java
Then I ran it...
C:\java>java com.HelloWorld
Hello World!
You might like to have a read through Packages tutorial
The syntax is:
java -classpath /path/to/package-folder <packageName>.<MainClassName>
So you may try: java com.HelloWorld
which would expect com/HelloWorld.class
file to be present as classpath by default points to the current directory (if not specified).
In case you're in different folder, try specifying classpath:
$ CLASSPATH=/path/to/package-folder/ java com.HelloWorld
Hello World!
$ java -cp /path/to/package-folder/ com.HelloWorld
Hello World!
$ cd /path/to/package-folder/ && java com.HelloWorld
Hello World!
For further explanation, check: How do I run Java .class files?
Run the program from the parent directory of the com directory.
java com.HelloWorld
Suppose the file locates at C:/projects/com/HelloWorld
and you can try the following ways.
1.java -cp c:/projects com.HelloWorld
2.cd c:/projects
java com.HelloWorld
(The example 2 is not working in many situation,such as java process.)
if there is no package declaration and there will be a little change.
1.java -cp c:/projects/com HelloWorld
2.cd c:/projects/com
java HelloWorld
(It's not good with the same reason.)
alternatively,relative path will be ok but has some risk.
Last remember put the class file in end of cmd.
When you compile the java code, use -d, in your case, it would be
javac -d . com.HelloWorld.java
After the above command, java compiler generate a folder named "com", under the "com" folder, you will see your HelloWorld.class
Then under the same folder as you run javac, run the following command
java com.HelloWorld
Try to use absolute directory or put your HelloWorld.class into ..\last_directory\com
1. java -cp .......\last_directory com.HelloWorld
2. java -cp .......\last_directory HelloWorld(with created com)
Create a folder named com
under Java folder and put the HelloWorld.java
into com
folder. Then run again javac
and java
You do not need a -cp flag while running a java class , -cp needed while running a class or a main program from a binary (jar) file.
While running a main program from a command line you need to make sure you have the class in the same folder structure as package name in the java file, ex.
home/user/foo java com.test.className
here classNmae class file and exist under home/user/foo/com/test
hope it helps.
There could be such a problem, when you are executing 'java' command directly from folder of your '*.class' files. This command should be executed from project 'parent' directory. All is well explained in the following article:
You should compile it first by typing this command in CMD, for exemple your file is in c:\ directory :
C:\com>javac HelloWorld.java
After that you can run the result by typing:
c:\com>java HelloWorld