Get process executed by MONO on GNU/Linux

2020-04-26 01:42发布


I am using MONO to execute an application. Using ps command shows eihter processname MONO or CLI. How can I get the name of the application executed by MONO ?

Example : mono myApp.exe

I want to know, if myApp.exe is currently excecuted. Finally I want to do this check programmatically.



You usually will run your program from a shell script and there you can use the -a flag to exec:

exec -a VisibleName mono program.exe


Here is a solution that uses .NET/MONO functions (no need to invoke native DLLs nor piping Shell Output):

  • List all processes.
  • If a process Name contains MONO or CLI then read the commandline of that process
  • The commandline shall contain all needed Information to identify your application

     public static int process_count(string application_name)
        int rc = 0;
        string cmdline = "";
        Process[] processlist = Process.GetProcesses();
        foreach (Process p in processlist)
            cmdline = "";
            //Console.WriteLine("PID : " + theprocess.Id + " " + theprocess.ProcessName);
            if (p.ProcessName.Contains("mono"))
                Console.WriteLine("PID : " + p.Id + " " + p.ProcessName + " " + p.MainModule.FileName);
                cmdline = File.ReadAllText("/proc/" + p.Id.ToString() + "/cmdline");
                Console.WriteLine("CMDLINE : "+cmdline);
            if (p.ProcessName.Contains("cli"))
                Console.WriteLine("PID : " + p.Id + " " + p.ProcessName + " " + p.MainModule.FileName);
                cmdline = File.ReadAllText("/proc/" + p.Id.ToString() + "/cmdline");
                Console.WriteLine("CMDLINE : " + cmdline);
            if (cmdline.Contains(application_name))
                Console.WriteLine("Found existing process: {0} ID: {1}", p.ProcessName, p.Id);
        return (rc);

How to do it manually:

  • invoke ps -e to get all processes of MONO or CLI
  • Look up the PID e.g. 2845
  • Display command line : cat /proc/2845/cmdline

Note for newbies: this Approach is not dedicated to Windows OS as it does not Support the concept of /proc filesystem.



Have a look at


The solution uses the same approach of reading /proc but has more options.
