How can I append a childNode to a specific position in javascript?
I want to add a childNode to the 3rd position in a div. There are other nodes behind it that need to move backwards (3 becomes 4 etc.)
How can I append a childNode to a specific position in javascript?
I want to add a childNode to the 3rd position in a div. There are other nodes behind it that need to move backwards (3 becomes 4 etc.)
You can use .insertBefore()
parentElement.insertBefore(newElement, parentElement.children[2]);
For this you have 3 options .insertBefore(), .insertAdjacentElement() or .insertAdjacentHtml()
var insertedElement = parentElement.insertBefore(newElement, referenceElement);
in your case you could do as on Felix Kling answer
var insertedElement = parentElement.insertBefore(newElement, parentElement.children[2]);
referenceElement.insertAdjacentElement (where, newElement);
in your case it would be
parentElement.children[1].insertAdjacentElement("afterEnd", newElement);
referenceElement.insertAdjacentElement (where, newElementHTML);
in your case it would be
parentElement.children[1].insertAdjacentElement("afterEnd", "<td>newElementHTML</td>");
Element.prototype.insertChildAtIndex = function(child, index) {
if (!index) index = 0
if (index >= this.children.length) {
} else {
this.insertBefore(child, this.children[index])
var child = document.createElement('div')
var parent = document.body
parent.insertChildAtIndex(child, 2)
Be aware of when extending natives could be troublesome