I am new to python and working on some xyz project where i am taking the day-1 dated report, fetching the data and redirecting it into another file on linux machine
here is my code.
import os
cur_date = os.popen("date -d '-1 day' '+%Y%m%d'").read()
print (cur_date)
os.system('zgrep "919535144580" /var/tmp/comp?/emse_revres_rdc.log.%s* | grep -v "RI" | cut -d "|" -f 9,10,23,24,26 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr >> /var/tmp/Andy/test.txt'%cur_date)
it is printing below error.
**gzip: /var/tmp/comp?/emse_revres_rdc.log.20180731.gz: No such file or directory
sh: line 1: 1: command not found**
but when i am executing the same in shell it is running absolutely fine or if i manually give the date and run the above, it runs successfully.
Please provide your suggestions on the same.
The *
has nothing to do with the problem; the string you're substituting with %s
ends with a newline, and that newline is what breaks your code.
When you use os.popen('...').read()
, you get the entire output of ...
-- including the trailing newline, which shell command substitutions implicitly trim.
The best answer would be to rewrite your logic in Python, but the easy answer here is to use such a command substitution, which also avoids trying to pass values into a script via string substitution (which is a fast route to shell-injection security bugs):
shell_script = r'''
cur_date=$(date -d '-1 day' '+%Y%m%d')
zgrep "919535144580" /var/tmp/comp?/emse_revres_rdc.log."$cur_date"* \
| grep -v "RI" \
| cut -d "|" -f 9,10,23,24,26 \
| sort \
| uniq -c \
| sort -nr \
>> /var/tmp/Andy/test.txt
That said, if you're just going for the shortest change possible, put the following before your original code's os.system()
cur_date = cur_date.rstrip('\n')