I have a class called MyClass in the file MyClass.java file (code mentioned below)
package myclass;
class MyClass {
public int add (int a, int b){
return a+b;
public static void main(String args[]) {
MyClass obj = new MyClass();
System.out.println(oobj.add(2, 3));
I am compiling the class with
javac MyClass.java
But I am trying to run the class using
java MyClass
java myclass.MyClass
I am getting the Error
Error: Could not find or load main class MyClass
But, I am able to run this program if I omit out the package name.
where am I going wrong?
Make sure that you are inside the parent directory of the package folder (the folder in which your compiled class file is), and execute the following command:
java myclass.MyClass
Below is an example file structure:
-> myclass
-> MyClass.class
In the example structure above, you would have to execute the command from the "bin" directory.
Also, define the class as public
and recompile the java source file.
I ran into this too. It's very frustrating for someone from other languages. The key here is, the java file has to be in the right directory depending on the package declaration.
if the java file Test1.java starts with
package com.xyz.tests;
Then the java file Test1.java needs to be in directory com/xyz/tests
You can compile and run as
javac com/xyz/tests/Test1.java
java com/xyz/tests/Test1
Good luck.
You Need To Compile The Class using :
javac -d ./myclass
I get my example to run by
java <package>.<class>
From parent directory of package