Say I have a class like so:
abstract class Something {}
And it has a hierachy with classes extending it:
class FirstSomething extends Something {}
class SecondSomething extends Something {}
Then elsewhere I have a class making use of these somethings:
abstract class A {
public void setSomething(Something something) {
//Process the something
Am I able to specify a subclass of A, so that it overrides the setSomething method, with the more specific "something" classes? This is what I want to be able to do:
class B extends A {
public void setSomething(FirstSomething something) {
//Process the something
class C extends A {
public void setSomething(SecondSomething something) {
//Set the something
At the moment I am doing something like this in the A class:
public void setSomething(Something something) {
//Use the something
protected abstract void checkClass(Something something);
where the B class and C class throw an exception in the checkClass method if the type of the SuperSomething is not the right one for those classes.
EDIT: I have tried with the exact method signatures as above, but the subclass methods do not override the super's method, I suppose I am really asking: Is there a way to specify a method in the super class' definition, where there is a compile-time check for the types of object allowable in the setSomething method for subclasses of the superclass?